World Bowls Certified Bowling Greens

We have always been proud of the fantastic quality bowling greens that we design, build and develop for our clients. With the highest quality drainage systems and synthetic turf materials along with our team’s extensive knowledge, we take pride in handing over long-lasting bowling greens bowling clubs, retirement villages, schools and other sporting clubs.

In addition to designing and building high quality bowling greens, we can also build to certain performance standards and be tested to meet World Bowls certification. World Bowls is the international federation for the sport of lawn bowls across 51 countries. 


    In 2021 we designed and built the fantastic Nirimba Bowling Green on the Sunshine coast which has passed all the testing and checks to be a World Bowls certified green. This means that the Thrive Nirimba Bowling Green passes all checks for the performance standards for flat green bowls including:

    • Sample of the bowling green materials and specs sent off to a laboratory for testing
    • Approved dimensions  meeting the ‘Laws Of The Sport Of Bowls’ documentation
    • Level playing surface confirmation
    • Appropriate Ditch surrounding the green
    • Bank meeting outlined specifications
    • Rink division
    • Performance measures such as green speed, draw, evenness, design level and infiltration rate

    See the documents on the World Bowls website:

    Performance Standards
    Abrasion Resistance Standards

    If you are interested in speaking with our team about the development of a World Bowls certified bowling green at your bowling club, retirement village or other location, please contact the Bioscapes Group team today.


    Comparing Quotes when Renovating or Building a Bowling Green - Bioscapes Group
    3 Questions You Need To Ask Before Constructing a Bowling Green - Bioscapes Group
    World Bowls Certification Nirimba Header

    Interested in discussing options for your bowls club?

    If you’d like to discuss how we can transform your bowling green, just get in touch with our team.