All State and Territory Governments provide grant programs for sports clubs, sporting organisations and community groups. There are also a number of other funding bodies that also offer grants for sports clubs. Some of these grants include funding for upgrading facilities, purchasing equipment, developing new programs, upskilling volunteers and supporting athletes. This might be useful if you need to upgrade your sporting field!
It’s always worth regularly checking if your sports club, community group or organisation is eligible for a grant and if so, applying for them. We’ve outlined some details and links below that will help you find grants in your state or territory. We know it can be frustrating searching for grants for sports clubs, so we hope this helps!
The VicSport website lists a number of grants available from Sport and Recreation Victoria, VicHealth, Sport Australia, Australian Sports Foundation, so we recommend you jump online and take a look.
The Victorian State Government also has an Emergency Sporting Equipment Grant Program. This program assists sport and active recreation clubs to replace essential sporting and first aid equipment that’s been damaged or lost due to fire, flood, significant storms, theft or criminal damage.
It’s not just grants the Victorian Government have available, they also provide a Community Infrastructure Loans Scheme, providing organisations access to low interest rate loans between $500,000 and $10 million to deliver community sport and recreation infrastructure. This might be helpful to larger sports bodies and organisations.
New South Wales
Every year the NSW Government has a number of sports grants available – take a look and see if they apply to you. There is also a $55 million Sport Infrastructure Recovery Fund, providing support to those in the sport and recreation sector in NSW that have been impacted by the severe storms and flooding from 22 February and onwards.
The Queensland Government have a range for funding and grants for a range of sport and recreation areas.
You might find this Queensland Government Grants Finder useful! By ticking a series of boxes it helps you find the most relevant grants for your sports club or community group.
South Australia, Western Australia, ACT, Tasmania and Northern Territory
- South Australia
- Grants from the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
- This list from Inclusive Sport SA will also help.
- Western Australia – The state government has funding for the sport and recreation industry that ranges from community place based grants and regional grants to individual grants.
- ACT – Sport and Recreation Grants Program
- Tasmania – The Tasmania Government has grants and funding available, and while 2022 is closed, keep an eye out for the 2023 round of grants opening.
- Northern Territory
- The NT Government have grass roots sport and active recreation grants Round 1 is open from 29 August 2022 to 14 October 2022 and round 2 is open from 1 December 2022 to 16 March 2023.
- Other sports funding sources are listed on the NT Government website.
Local Councils
It’s sometimes forgotten amongst the mix of government and sporting body grants available, but many local councils also offer sports grants to local sports groups. So don’t forget to check your local council’s website to see what sports grants you might uncover.
Good luck with your grant search and applications!
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